Interface Resizable

All Known Implementing Classes:
DomainLabelWidget, EmptyWidget, LayoutManager, Plot, RangeLabelWidget, TextLabelWidget, TitleWidget, UserTextLabelWidget, Widget, XYGraphWidget, XYLegendWidget, XYPlot

public interface Resizable

Used by classes that depend on dimensional values to lay themselves out and draw. Consideration should be given to synchronizing with any draw routines that also exist within the class.

Method Summary
 void layout(DisplayDimensions dims)
          Called when a change to the class' dimensions is made.

Method Detail


void layout(DisplayDimensions dims)
Called when a change to the class' dimensions is made. This method is responsible for cascading calls to update for any logical children of this class, for example the Plot class is responsible for updating the LayoutManager. Note that while dims is marked final in this interface, the compiler will not enforce it. Implementors of this method should take care not to make changes to dims as this will affect parent Resizables in likely undesired ways.

dims -

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